On Tuesday afternoon, we had been back in Fauche for only about a day, and were still excited by the response to the three day, nation-wide time of fasting and prayer that Haiti had declared. How exciting it was to see crowds of people singing and walking from church services on Sunday night in Port au Prince, when it was the first night of Carnival! (usually this would be a time for Vodou stuff to take the streets) As we drove back to our guest house from Petit Goave that night, we saw church after church packed out, with people having services under tarps, and even on the streets. It was a decision about a week and a half ago that Haiti would have a day of mourning (Feb. 12, one month after the earthquake) and a weekend of prayer and fasting for the country. The spontaneous response was greater than we could anticipate. It was kind of unreal to be in Port au Prince and see all the people near the broken palace where they held a huge service. When we returned to the North, there were similar exciting stories to being told! Hundreds of people had accepted Jesus at the church in Port Margot, and services had been held all weekend up here as well. This week there is a service in the Fauche church every night.
On Tuesday afternoon, we heard that there was going to be a parade of people coming through Fauche. We didn't really know what that meant, but heard that people were walking the roads from town to town, and we could hear their singing off in the distance. Along with the team here from Warsaw, Indiana, we went down by the road to wait for them to come by. When they finally came around the curve, it was quite a sight!! There were so many people! Singing and dancing, and with big smiles, arms raised. They came into the campus to gather for a few minutes, then turned back toward Port Margot to continue with their parade. It was amazing! To see all these people whose country and families had just been devastated by an earthquake only a month ago, praising God and enjoying themselves, it can't be explained. The healing and hope that was taking place was too much to take in at once!
I love this picture because the woman on the far right is Lilianne, the lady from our English class that I mentioned a few weeks back who told me she had lost her husband. We know that seriously only God can give her the smile that's on her face and the dance in her step. God is moving here! And it's so exciting! Even though there is great sadness and serious wounds, God is good and our hope is in Him!
How exciting...that is GREAT!