After the service, we ate a delicious pitch-in/potluck breakfast. There were too many good things to choose from but that is our only complaint. In the afternoon we ate a really good lunch with the Thedes, and pieces of this masterpiece cake!
While the churches in our area had services all weekend, and we enjoyed hearing their singing drift up the hill throughout the days, we were kept up on Saturday night because of the loud drumbeats and chants. Kris has told us that the time right before Easter is normally an active time for voodoo, since Christ's death is a victory in their eyes. We were glad not to hear much on Good Friday, and hope it was because of after-earthquake change! We know there are many who were deeply affected spiritually by the
On another note, we have been really loving the beautiful spot we live in lately. The weather is awesome right now. It is warm, breezy, and not stifling yet. As you can see we've been sitting outside more and trying to take it all in. The hillside shows what we see when we look straight ahead from outside our house.
This afternoon we give an exam to our first level class, hope they do well! And hope they don't try to cheat like our first class last semester did--ugh! This time we are going to space them out so far that they will have to yell to share answers! They are such a great class though, and we will miss them.
Have a great week, Jesus is A
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